Petition - Print Out Version

To: The Government of Canada

We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, draw the attention of the Government of Canada to the following:

That, as we have lost trust in the police forces of Canada to investigate themselves adequately, we call upon the Government of Canada to outlaw the practice everywhere in Canada. We ask that a panel of elected, independent investigators, along with mandatory participation of members of the jury pool to form an independent team to investigate all future claims against the police at all levels.

To clarify what is meant by "independent": professional investigators that have no criminal record, have no former history with police, have never worked on a police force nor worked with police, have no associations with off duty police members, have no family members who are police and have no business dealings with any member of a police force.

We also request that the government grant these new, independent investigative teams the authority, at their discretion, to reopen and investigate past cases. We beseech the Government of Canada to bring this into effect so that the public can regain its urgently needed trust in the police forces of Canada.

Name    Full Name of City    Provincial Initials